Friends of the Hackettstown BID
The Friends of The Hackettstown BID is a volunteer group newly organized to help the Hackettstown Business Improvement District develop a volunteer base. Members join the Friends of Hackettstown BID simply by signing up. This membership allows Friends to attend events and to receive monthly updates about news and activities. Friends of Hackettstown BID are invited to attend the public BID Board and Committee Meetings which meet monthly.
Join us! You will discover a great group of people who care deeply about the town and businesses of Hackettstown, New Jersey. The Friends of the Hackettstown BID is considered to be the central organizing force for community members who are interested in supporting Hackettstown businesses.
Friends Duties Include
- Volunteer support at public programs
- Fundraiser events
- Staffing event sites during festivals and special events.
- Projects under staff direction
New projects include
- Developing a downtown historic docent program
- Cultural programs including music, lectures and events to support and promote the Hackettstown businesses.
The Friends deliver a range of important community projects. We are happy to entertain new ideas and projects. Please call (908) 850-5004 or email to join.