Egg Hunt for Ages 2-5 @ 12:45 PM and Ages 5+ @ 1:15 PMEnjoy an afternoon of family fun, including:
- Pictures with the Easter Bunny
- Marley’s Gotham Grill’s Food Truck
- Children’s activities, games, and more!
For questions and information, please contact registration@arcwarren.org
- When: TBD
- Where: Located on the front lawn of the Edward W. Seay Administration Building at Centenary University
400 Jefferson Street in HackettstownPresented by The Hackettstown High School Key Club, the Hackettstown BID, and the Centenary University Alumni Association Executive Board and benefitting The Arc of Warren County. Optional donations will be accepted at the event. All proceeds will help support The Arc of Warren County Radiothon with WRNJ on Thursday April 25th,