What Is A BID

The Improvement District (whether business, or special, or downtown or some other name) is a model for management of the municipality’s commercial corridor. It is authorized by state law (the Pedestrian Mall and Special Improvement District Act, N.J.S.A. 40:56-65, et seq.) to be formed by ordinance in any municipality in New Jersey. The Improvement District provides a mechanism for the businesses and property owners of a community to organize as a single entity, to raise funds for activities that enhance or expand upon municipal services, and through a District Management Corporation, to manage themselves to become a more effective destination for commerce.

About The Hackettstown BID

The primary goal of the Hackettstown Business Improvement District is to improve the economic potential of each and every business that is located within the district. By providing a clean, safe, attractive business district that meets the needs of residents, customers, owners, and employees, the Business Improvement District promotes Hackettstown as a desirable location to visit and invest.

Our Vision

The vision of the Hackettstown BID is to establish a well-known, desirable destination to do business, invest, work, learn, live and play in northwest New Jersey. The BID will cultivate Hackettstown as a hub for commerce, culture and convenience, all while keeping the small town, hometown feel and a postcard-worthy BID district. All will feel invited to uncover to the many layers of Hackettstown.

BID’s Responsibilities

  • Establish and maintain communication with member businesses
  • Assess Hackettstown’s business landscape, keeping consumer needs in mind
  • Regularly evaluate how the BID is achieving its goals
  • Advertise and promote the Hackettstown Business District, both locally and regionally
  • Apply for grant opportunities to expand services
  • Plan and implement street improvements
  • Recruit new businesses and implement strategies to retain businesses
  • The Business Improvement District Board of Directors is elected by the collective Hackettstown BID membership.

The BID District

You and your business are considered a BID member if your business property falls within the limits of the town-defined business district. The district extends from Route 57 to Lawrence Drive, Willow Grove Street, Route 517 to the town line up to Cochran’s Funeral Home, from Stiger Street to Hackettstown Motor Imports, and Grand Avenue.

Having a Hackettstown mailing address for business or residence does not automatically qualify one’s business to be included in the BID. Mixed use or commercial properties can be considered, however properties are predominantly retail-oriented, and residential properties are not considered or included.